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Why EveryCountry?

The name of this blog and store is inspired by an old Yahoo newsgroup, still alive (although dying like all these groups), with the same name

I found that group looking for information on coin issuing authorities and it was like an epiphany, because it fit like a glove to what I had been trying to do for so long without knowing it.

The group had been made up of people with a hobby of collecting a coin from every different political regime around the world. In other words, if we started in Spain in 1936, we would collect a coin from the Second Republic, one from Francoism, and another from democracy, but also one for each regional and municipal authority that minted coins during the war, Euzkadi, Santander, Palencia and Burgos…etc.

If we also add pretenders like the one above, entities that are not governments, tokens… things get even more interesting

It is therefore easy to understand that the number of coins to be collected in this way multiplies to several thousand, and that is without going beyond the late Middle Ages, which is where this group generally stops investigating. Only in some cases, such as China, where the transition from ancient times is well established, is the full picture seen.

I think it’s an exciting process, and the group had very active times, discussing governments and transitions. The truth is that there are many cases with great complexity, such as the German states, or even some more unlikely ones such as the last years of Fiji.

In this Blog I will try to go deeper into what was done in the group, changing the organization that was used in that group, and delving deeper into time. With respect to the organization, I will start from the countries that exist today, looking at what has happened on their borders. This implies that empires that covered many countries need a coin for each country that currently exists, using the location of the mints to assign the coins to a country. For example, from the Ottoman Empire, we will thus have coins from Greece, Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia or Romania, for example, without leaving Europe.

I begin a journey through all these times that I sincerely hope will be of interest, trying to ensure that the coins in the store also always have curious locations.

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