Italy, States: Milan, under France, 1 Trillina – ND


Italy, States: Milan, under France

  • Value: 1 Trillina
  • Weight: 0.6 g
  • Axis: 6 h
  • Grade: BC25
  • Metal: Ag-Cu
  • Ref:CNI#V.132



1 in stock

SKU: 1102 Categories: ,


The beginning of the French invasion of Milan lies in the rivalry between the wife of Ludovico El Moro de Milan, Beatriz d”E east, and that of his nephew Gian Galeazzo, Isabela de Aragón. When Isabela”s father, Alfonso II arrived at the throne of Naples, I do not hesitate to support his daughter in the claims to the Duchy of Milan. Ludovico then invited the King of France to invade Naples based on Angevinos rights to this kingdom. Ludovico should not intend to strengthen France, but rather divert attention to another enemy in security that would not obtain permission from other Naples allies (such as Florence) to cross Italy. However, this was not so, and Carlos VIII observed that Italy was divided and easy to invade. Carlos VIII arrived to Naples where he made use of extreme cruelty in the first sieges, which made the alliances change against him. Finally the Aragonese recovered Naples, and the result for France was poor. But it had become clear that Italy was weak and rich. In 1498 Carlos VIII died and was replaced by the Duke of Orleans, Louis XII, with ascendants of the Visconti family and aspirations to the Ducado de Milan. Louis XII was in charge of signing treaties with the majority of neighbors (England, Burgundy and even Aragon), and in 1499 it invades Lombardía quickly taking Milan. Florence then asked for help in the Rate of Pisa (independent from the previous invasion of 1494), which came good to France to reach Naples. In fact, Luis agreed with Fernando the Catholic the cast of the kingdom of Naples, but the extreme barbarism of the French and the little clarity of the treaty, soon led to war between the two, soon expelling the French of the kingdom. In 1508, the Pope forms an anti Vencian league, but soon, fearful of French power, signs La Paz with Venice and turns the League against Louis XII. Swiss mercenaries conquer Milan in 1512 and put Massimiliano Sforza, son of Ludovico El Moro in power, making a new pause in the French control of the Duchy.

Additional information

Weight 0,6 g




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