Italy, Republic, 500 Lire – 1961


Italy, Republic

  • Value: 500 Lire
  • Weight: 10.98 g
  • Axis: 6 h
  • Grade: SC62
  • Metal: Ag
  • Ref:KM#99

1 in stock

SKU: 1360 Categories: ,


Italy became the Republic on June 2, 1946, after a referendum in which women voted for the first time, being the new Constitution approved in 1948. In 1947 and with the signing of the Peace Treaty with Yugoslavia, Istria, Zara and Other enclaves of the Dalmatian coast were annexed by Yugoslavia, producing an important return exodus. Italy also lost its colonies officially in 1950 thus ending the Italian empire. The fear of a communist revolution among other points, helped an important victory of the Democristians in 1948, which would favor that Italy was a founding member of the NATO, of the CECA and CEE, and that the help of the Marshall Plan, what that would help the Italian economy had a “miraculous” growth until 60. In those years two decades of social, political and economic disorder (aggravated by the oil crisis in the 70s), known as the years of lead, The terrorist attacks of extreme left and right groups. The 90s saw massive cases of corruption that ended up dividing the democristians, and the communists lived in turn a transformation. In the following years, coalitions of the center right and center left turned. Despite crises, Italy has remained an economic power, with a fundamental presence in the world of fashion and design. The mintings have been based on the lyre, until the arrival of the euro.

Additional information

Weight 10,98 g



Roma – R


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