San Marino, Republic, 500 Lire – 1974


San Marino, Republic

  • Value: 500 Lire
  • Weight: 11.01 g
  • Axis: 6 h
  • Grade: FDC65
  • Metal: Ag
  • Ref:KM#37

1 in stock

SKU: 1480 Categories: ,


The Foundation of the Republic enters the field of legend. San Marino, from the current Croatia, arrived in Rimini as Mason, helping to rebuild the walls that had been attacked by pirates. Subsequently, with the Dioclecian reform he hid on Mount Titano, where he built a church and created the community that is now the country. The date of the Foundation is the year 301 A.D. So it is considered the oldest country in existence. During the Middle Ages, various neighboring communities joined San Marino, enlarging the territory (Chiesanuova, Faetano, Fiorentino, Montegiardino and Serravalle). In 1503, César Borgio occupied the Republic for six months. With the annexation of Urbino”s ducat to the papal states in 1625, San Marino remained as an enclave within them, so papal protection was sought, although it was never under papal control. The proximity of Napoleonic troops in 1797 endangered the independence of the Republic, but one of the Regents, Antonio Onofri won Napoleon”s respect and friendship, guaranteeing the independence of the Republic. During the Italian unification process, San Marino served as a refuge for many unification drivers, such as Garibaldi, who would later allow San Marino to remain independent. In 1862, San Marino and Italy signed a friendship treaty. In World War II, San Marino remained neutral, although it was bombarded once by a misunderstanding. San Marino is a republic, in which two heads of state are chosen simultaneously, with the same powers and remain in office for 6 months. The monetary unit is the euro, although it does not belong to the Eurozone, by the agreement with the Italian Republic.

Additional information

Weight 11,01 g




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