Italy, States: Sardinia, Kingdom, Continental issue, 10 Soldi – 1794


Italy, States: Sardinia, Kingdom, Continental issue

  • Value: 10 Soldi
  • Weight: 2.63 g
  • Axis: 6 h
  • Grade: BC15
  • Metal: Ag-Cu
  • Ref:KM#92

Zonas de acuñación débil

1 in stock

SKU: 1552 Categories: ,


The end of the Spanish War of Succession, implied the end of Aragonese and Spanish domination in Italy. In the distribution after Utrecht, Savoya received Sicily and parts of the Duchy of Milan, while the Archduke of Austria, received the bulk of the Duchy of Milan, Sardinia and Naples. However, a short time later, the Duke of Savoya was forced to exchange Sicily for Sardinia in the peace of the bee that ended the Quadruple Alliance War (Spanish attempt to recover Italian territories after Utrecht). Despite this, those of Cyprus and Jerusalem, inheritance of the kingdom of Sicily. In 1792, Savoya joined the coalition against the First French Republic, but in 1796 they were defeated by Napoleon, and must sign the Paris Peace Treaty. In 1798, Joubert invade the Piedmont and forces Carlos Emanuel IV to march to Sicily. The provisional government, voted the Union with France from Piedmont. Sardinia remained out of the Napoleonic orbit during the rest of the period. In 1814 with the end of the Napoleonic wars, the kingdom could increase its territory with the annexation of Genoa that was confirmed in the Vienna Congress. The subsequent governments were very reactionary, returning the land to the nobility and the clergy. In 1848 by liberal pressures (associated with the wave of liberal revolutions that toured Europe), a constitution inspired by the French was established that turned the kingdom into constitutional and centralized, so Sardinia lost its autonomy, forming the “perfect fusion.” That same year, and in the thread of the revolts in Lombardy and Venice, Sardinia declared war on Austria, being defeated. In 1852, he arrived at the Government of Sardinia, the count of Cavour, which would become the engine of Italian unification. Having started its industrialization in the 1830s, Piedmont began to be an economic power, and Cavour knew how to carve the alliances to achieve the objectives. In 1856, Sardinña participated in the Crimean War, and in 1859, he obtained the France Alliance in the War against Austria, achieving the transfer of Lombardy (which is ceded by Austria to France). In 1860, Parma, Plasencia, Toscana, Modena and Romaña vote in referendum the union to the kingdom of Sardinia. For the concern of Napoleon III of this strengthening of Sardinia, it was pressed to celebrate referendums in Nice and Savoya, who voted for annexation to France (although there is discussion about the cleanliness of them). In 1860 Garibaldi achieves the conquest of the kingdom of two sicilies, and granted it to the king of Sardinia. On March 17, 1861, the kingdom of Italy was proclaimed. The currency was the piedmonts, except during the Napoleonic annexation, in which the Francés Francés circulated. After 1816, the Sarda lyre replaced the previous one with 1 lyre = 1 Franco, to the change to the kingdom of Italy and the appearance of the Italian lyre

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Weight 2,63 g




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