Spain, Almohad empire, 1 Dirhem – ND


Spain, Almohad empire

  • Value: 1 Dirhem
  • Weight: 1.65 g
  • Axis: 0 h
  • Grade: BC15
  • Metal: Ag
  • Ref:Vives#2088

Anónima, a nombre del Mahdi
Sin ceca
Densidad 7,15 por las concreciones

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The Almohads arise in Morocco during the 19th century as a fundamentalist religious movement in which their leader adopted the title of Mahdi (kind of messiah very in the Shiite tradition). This Puritan movement driven by some Berbers clans soon defeated the Almoravides and began a strong expansion in North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. After the expulsion of Ibn Tumart of Marrakech for the Almoravides, he began to preach against the Almoravides, and I believe the doctrine that would bring together the pillows. Abd al Muismin would begin in 1132 his first military campaign against the Almoravids. 1145 It would be the key year in expansion by the Maghreb, managing to control the territories for 1148. In the Peninsula they would begin with a small military contingent in 1145 at the request of the Mértola Taifa. Shortly after with North Africa stabilized the progress in the Peninsula would be important, although the continuous revolts both in the Peninsula and in the Maghreb, would not allow them to undertake initiatives of scope against Christians. The death of Alfonso VII and the subsequent division of the Crisitians facilitated the first great campaign in 1174. In 1195 with the truce with the finished Castilians, the pillows inflict an important defeat Alfonso in the battle of Alarcos, which allows them to take important Extremadura and Manchegas squares. The activities of the Banu Ganiya (Almoravids that controlled Mallorca), which threatened Pillow positions in North Africa, facilitated the truce with the Castilians. Thus, the pillows began a powerful campaign against the Banu Ganiya in the Balearic Islands, but they in turn took Pillows of Maghreb. The defeat in Las Navas de Tolosa in 1212 made it clear the weakness of the Almohade caliphate, and although in the short term the Catalan and Castilian weakness, they did not get the possible redito, if it meant the dismemberment of the empire. Benimerines and Hafsies in the Maghreb and the independence of new taifas in the Peninsula implied the end of the empire. Thus, the Hudí kingdom of Murcia and the Nasrid of Granada would soon emerge.

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Weight 1,65 g




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