Spain, National Government under Franco, 10 Centimos – 1945


Spain, National Government under Franco

  • Value: 10 Centimos
  • Weight: 1.83 g
  • Axis: 6 h
  • Grade: EBC58
  • Metal: Al
  • Ref:KM#766 / Cal#130 / CT#135 / Cal20#11

1 in stock

SKU: 1902 Categories: ,


Franco”s government, in the period between 1939 and 1947, was a key stage in the consolidation of the dictatorial regime in Spain after the victory of the Francoist side in the Spanish Civil War. During these years, policies and measures were implemented to ensure total control of the State and the transformation of Spanish society under the principles of Franco. In the first years of his government, Franco established a centralized authoritarian dictatorship. The Law of Political Responsibilities was promulgated, which pursued and sanctioned those considered supporters or collaborators of the Republican side during the war. Intense repression against political opponents was carried out, which included arrests, executions and exile of thousands of people. In addition, a political system known as “national movement” was implemented that sought to unify all political and social organizations under the protection of the Franco regime. Political parties were prohibited and a unique party was created, the traditionalist Spanish phalanx and the national trade unionist offensive joints (FET and the JONS), which became the ideological and political support of the regime. In economic terms, an autarkic policy was applied, seeking self -sufficiency and reducing the dependence of international trade. Protectionist policies were promoted and the national industry was promoted through state intervention and economic planning. However, these measures did not achieve sustainable economic development and Spain remained in a situation of isolation and stagnation. In the cultural field, a control and censorship policy was imposed. Freedom of expression and press were eliminated, and a nationalist and conservative vision of Spanish culture and identity was promoted. In 1947, Spain was isolated internationally due to its alignment with axis powers during World War II. However, that same year, with Salazar”s intermediation (NATO founding member for the importance of Azores), Franco signed the agreement with the United States, known as the “Madrid Pact”, which allowed the entry of economic aid and The normalization of relations with the North American country. This marked a change in Spain”s foreign policy and the beginning of a broader economic opening period and international relations in the following years. In summary, Franco”s government between 1939 and 1947 was characterized by the establishment of an authoritarian dictatorship, political repression, centralization of power, the implementation of the national movement, the application of autarkic economic policies and the control of culture. This period laid the foundations for the prolonged government of Franco and his dictatorial regime in Spain until his death in 1975.

Additional information

Weight 1,83 g




Issuing authority

Francisco Franco


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