Germany, States: Prussia, Kingdom under German Empire, 2 Marks – 1913


Germany, States: Prussia, Kingdom under German Empire

  • Value: 2 Marks
  • Weight: 11.09 g
  • Axis: 0 h
  • Grade: EBC58
  • Metal: Ag
  • Ref:KM#532

1 in stock

SKU: 1938 Categories: ,


After the German reunification executed by Bismarck under Prussian control, Prussia is integrated as a kingdom in the German empire, of which its headline also takes the title of Kaiser or German emperor. Initially the German Empire was an extension of the German Confederation of the previous north, that is, a mere extension of Prussia that maintained all its structures. But this had some important problems, such as the impossibility of collecting imperial taxes directly, since only customs and other small rates depended directly on the empire. Bismarck tried to solve some of the problems of the empire with partial success. The social reforms that he introduced, calmed the fears of a communist revolution, but other problems such as the non -Germanization of the Polish population did not advance at all. In 1888 after his father”s premature death, Wilhelm II came to power, with limited experience and quite reactionary. Soon the friction with Bismarck became unsustainable, forcing him to resign. With the end of the World War, the Kaiser had to abdicate and Prussia became a free state within the Weimar Republic. With the unification, the traditional monetary system of Germany was modified, becoming the German frame in the unity of the entire empire, within the gold standard, and equalizing it to 1/3 of Vereinsthaler. It was agreed that emissions from 1 PFENNIG to 1 frame would be uniforms for the entire empire, and those of greater value would be made by the different federal states with a common reverse. In 1914 with the First World War, the gold pattern and the convertibility of money were abandoned.

Additional information

Weight 11,09 g




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