China, Wang Mang Interregnum, 250 Zhu – ND


China, Wang Mang Interregnum

  • Value: 250 Zhu
  • Weight: 6.25 g
  • Axis: 0 h
  • Grade: MBC35
  • Metal: Cu
  • Ref:H#9.2

ND(7-23 d.C.)

1 in stock

SKU: 1941 Categories: ,


Interreino Wang Mang, also known as the Xin dynasty, was a brief period of government in the history of China that took place between 9 A.D. and 23 A.D. During this time, Wang Mang, a Han dynasty official, usurped the imperial throne and established a new regime. Wang Mang proclaimed emperor and established a series of radical reforms with the aim of improving the country”s economic and social situation. He implemented land redistribution policies, confiscating large properties and redistributing them among the poorest peasants. He also carried out monetary reforms and established a new currency system. In addition, Wang Mang implemented socialist and collectivist policies, trying to control and regulate various aspects of the population”s life. He tried to abolish slavery, promoted social equality and redistributed fiscal burdens more equitably. However, Wang Mang reforms found resistance and discontent among many sectors of Chinese society. The consolidation of power and government interventionist policies generated tensions and conflicts. In addition, natural disasters, such as floods and droughts, as well as poor economic management, led to a generalized crisis and the deterioration of the economic situation. The generalized dissatisfaction and discontent with the Wang Mang regime led to a series of rebellions and disturbances throughout the country. Finally, in the year 23 A.D., the rebel forces overthrew Wang Mang and restored the Han dynasty, ending the interreino and restoring the centralized government of the dynasty. Interreino Wang Mang is remembered as a period of radical attempts of reform and transformation in the history of China. Although it aimed to improve the social and economic situation, its policies and actions generated instability and discontent, which finally led to its fall and the return of the Han dynasty.

Additional information

Weight 6,25 g




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