Spain, Restored Bourbon kingdom, 40 Céntimos de Escudo – 1864


Spain, Restored Bourbon kingdom

  • Value: 40 Céntimos de Escudo
  • Weight: 4.58 g
  • Axis: 0 h
  • Grade: MBC30
  • Metal: Ag
  • Ref:KM#328.2 / Cal#336 / Cal20#499


1 in stock

SKU: 1999 Categories: ,


After the end of the liberal triennium in 1823, Fernando VII recovered absolute power and established an authoritarian regime known as the “ominous decade.” During this time, repressive policies were implemented and much of the liberal reforms adopted above were canceled. Under the reign of Fernando VII, the absolutist system was restored and political and civil freedoms were limited. The king sought to consolidate his power and maintain control over the country by suppressing any political opposition or liberal movement. After the death of Fernando VII in 1833, his daughter, Isabel II, ascended to the throne being just a girl. During his reign, there were conflicts and power struggles, known as the Carlist wars, between those who supported Isabel II and those who supported the succession rights of his uncle, Carlos María Isidro. Throughout the reign of Isabel II, there were continuous political conflicts, including popular revolts and military conspiracies. The country experienced political and social instability, as well as a series of unstable and corrupt governments. As the nineteenth century progressed, political and social movements arose that demanded broader changes and reforms. The popular discontent and the pressure of the liberal movements finally led to the Revolution of 1868, known as the glorious, which overthrew Isabel II and gave way to a period of transition to a more democratic government in Spain.

Additional information

Weight 4,58 g



Madrid – Estrella

Issuing authority

Isabel II/España


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