Morocco, Dilaites, interregnum between Saadi and Alauites, 1 Dirham – ND


Morocco, Dilaites, interregnum between Saadi and Alauites

  • Value: 1 Dirham
  • Weight: 0.89 g
  • Axis: 11 h
  • Grade: MBC30
  • Metal: Ag
  • Ref:KM#E26 / Album#581

Sin ceca ni fecha
R en Album
(Allah / al-ghalib / bi-quwwatihi)

1 in stock

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Dilaiya”s Sultanate emerged at the beginning of the seventeenth century in the region of the Atlas Medium Mountains in Morocco as a Sufi brotherhood. With initial support from the Saadi dynasty, its decomposition and the increase in power of the sultanate, it was out of the effective control of the reigning dynasty. Under the leadership of Mohammed al-Hajj, the Sultanato became an Islamic State that gained support from various tribal groups and local communities in the ATLAS Middle Region. They established their strength in the city of cup and expanded their influence to neighboring areas. The Sultanate promoted a message of spiritual renewal and social justice, attracting a large number of followers among the population. His influence extended beyond the political sphere, since he also played a role in cultural and educational matters. However, after its peak with the conquest of Fez, Tetuán, Salé and Alcazarquivir among other cities, Dilaiya”s sultanate faced challenges and growing opposition, especially some groups such as Jews who looked very harmed. In 1659 with the death of the last Sultan Saadi, Al-Hajj was invested Sultan of Morocco in Fez, but the situation would be brief. After the revolt of Salé and Fez, they would take refuge in their most protected area, being finally defeated by the Alauí dynasty.

Additional information

Weight 0,89 g




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