Algeria, Republic, 50 Centimes – AH 1393 / 1973


Algeria, Republic

  • Value: 50 Centimes
  • Weight: 4.87 g
  • Axis: 6 h
  • Grade: MBC35
  • Metal: Cu-Ni-Zn
  • Ref:KM#102

1 in stock

SKU: 332 Categories: ,


The FLN Ben Bella leader assumed the first presidency of Independent Algeria. Conflicts did not take long to appear, both internal and external. The black feet, massively emigrated to France, especially after the massacre of Oran, and in 1963 a war with Morocco broke out by the border lands in the desert, a conflict that would feed the existing tension to the present day. Ben Bella was taking the country to an authoritarian socialism, a direction that was followed by her successor Boumed has come to power in 1965 with a coup d”etat. He collectivized agriculture and sought the industrialization of the country. The oil industry was nationalized, which was especially beneficial since 1973. His successor Bendjedid introduced liberal measures from 1978, and in the late 80s, the system became a multiparty, which caused a strong growth of the Islamist party. At the beginning of 1992, when the Islamist party was winning the first laps of the legislative, the government paralyzed the elections, Bendjedid resigned and a high state council for governing the country was formed. A bloody civil war between Islamist insurgents and the army began, which lasted until the end of the 20th century. In 1999 there were elections, considered murky by international observers, who won Bouteflika, initiating actions to establish a lasting concord. He won the elections again in 2004, with a reform campaign to modernize the country and for definitive reconciliation with a new amnesty initiative approved in Referendum. The country”s economy continues to depend largely on the State, inheritance of the strongly socialist policy of the beginnings of the Republic and especially based on the extraction of hydrocarbons. The currency is the dinar, divided into 100 cents. Initially emissions were made from the cent in aluminum, and the 5 Dinares in silver. Subsequently, the lowest values ​​have been eliminated, coining from 1/4 of Dinar

Additional information

Weight 4,87 g




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