Bosnia and Herzegovina, Under Ottoman Empire, 1 Mangir – AH 1099 / 1688


Bosnia and Herzegovina, Under Ottoman Empire

  • Value: 1 Mangir
  • Weight: 1.64 g
  • Axis: 11 h
  • Grade: MBC30
  • Metal: Cu
  • Ref:KM#87.1

En KM, aparece en Turquía
Acuñación débil en fecha que no es visible

1 in stock

SKU: 1078 Categories: ,


The Kingdom of Bosnia was conquered in 1463 and in the following century the last redoubts of the area were conquered. Unlike in other areas of the Balkans, a large part of the population became Islam. The area would be in relative peace until the end of the seventeenth in which the defeat is produced in front of the Holy League and has to give in Hungary and Slavonia to the Habsburgs. From that moment on, Bosnia becomes the border of the Ottoman Empire, producing an important impoverishment, and migrations. On the one hand, Muslims of the losses are established there, and on the other, Christians from areas of the Ottoman Empire are established on the Slavonia border with the Austrian invitation. The Ottoman Empire tried numerous economic and military reforms in the 19th century to try to improve the bad conditions, caused by the continuous border wars but poorly received by the military elites of the area. The conversion to the majority Islam, it seems that it was voluntary, and the Christians had to pay the special tax, not being recruited for the army. However, many children were separated from their families to be educated as Jenízaros. The Ottoman control of Bosnia and Herzegobin ended up de facto in 1878 after the armed conflict that ended in the Berlin Congress, and legally in 1908, when the area went to the control of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Additional information

Weight 1,64 g



Sarajevo – بوسنية

Issuing authority

Sulayman II


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