France, Feudal: Arles, Archbishopric, 1 Obolo – ND


France, Feudal: Arles, Archbishopric

  • Value: 1 Obolo
  • Weight: 0.6 g
  • Axis: 11 h
  • Grade: BC8
  • Metal: Ag
  • Ref:Bd#794 / SCMF#4677


Cospel algo faltado. Zonas de acuñación débil

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Arles”s diocesis was one of the first in France to become. The range of archidiocesis or Metropolis will be granted in the Turin Council of the year 401. Its dependencies will be altered by the rivalry with other Metropolis and bishopics over time, being finally suppressed in 1801 and merged into the Archbishopric of Aix. After the conquest of Arles by the Franks, a link between the Frankish kings and the bishop that increases the power of the archbishopric is established, but in the second half of the, the power deviates to the north of the country, and the headquarters of Arles loses power. In the s.vii falls into a deep decline and in the s.viii between the Moorish attacks and the devastation of Carlos Martel that divides the ecclesiastical goods between the high nobility causes that there is hardly any information of the archbishops of the period. The Carolingian Renaissance will involve an important improvement for the archbishopric, which will participate in all the important councils and meetings of the kingdom. Thus, it will be a fundamental part of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Provence and will become the only metropolitan headquarters of Provence. At the end of the 13th century the importance of Arles is declining in favor of AIX, where Provencal condes establish their residence. The Albigense crusade will recover again, which will lose quickly shortly after. In the 20th century there is an important loss of temporary power of the archbishopric especially by the papal establishment in Avignon. In the 13th century, the growing French power is noticed what we weakens again to the archbishopric who will recover his prestige at the end of the century for being of the first venues where the counter -reform penetrates. The headquarters disappears with the French revolution and is formally absorbed by Aix in 1801.

Additional information

Weight 0,6 g




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