France, Gallic-Roman Empire, 1 Antoniniano – ND


France, Gallic-Roman Empire

  • Value: 1 Antoniniano
  • Weight: 2.52 g
  • Axis: 11 h
  • Grade: BC20
  • Metal: Ag-Cu
  • Ref:SRM#10962 / RIC#V.75


ND(262-265 d.C.)
Es de Lyon por el estilo del anverso. Mucho pelo sobre la frente
De la colección R. Chevallier (1922-2015)

1 in stock

SKU: 785 Categories: ,


The crisis of the third century in the Roman Empire was sharpened with the capture of Emperor Valerian for the Sasanids. A short time later, the kingdom of Palmira became de facto (although nominally under the Roman Empire), expanding its domains. Emperor Gallieno (son of Valeriano), was in a very weak situation to deal with the continuous revolts. A revolt in Pannonia, moved the emperor to the Danube, taking advantage of the situation to rebel equally, taking colony (where the Praetorian guard and the heir of Gallieno was). Postumo did not ambition to Gallieno, or conquer Italy and believe parallel institutions in his Gallic-Roman Empire. Gallieno tried to quell the rebellion in 263, being repelled by postummous, and no longer tried again. In 269, Laeliano, another general tried to overthrow postuneo, again without success. At the death of Postummus, his successor Marco Aurelio Mario, died soon and Victorino assumed the position, not being recognized by Hispania, but by the North Gaul and Britania. It is possible that Hispania aligned again to Rome, where Emperor Claudio Gothic was, who had managed to incorporate Narbonse Gaul again into the empire. Victorino was killed, being replaced by tetric, occupied with revolts, but relieved for being the Empire occupied with Zenobia de Palmira already in open opposition to Rome. With the stifled Palmira revolt, Aureliano beat the gloomy in battle, and the empire ended. With respect to the causes, it seems clear that the s.iii crisis gives rise to regional powers and is a sign of those subjiary autonomous tendencies of the Gauling territants, which will be revealed again with Carausio.

Additional information

Weight 2,52 g




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