Greece, Ottoman domain, 1 Akce – AH 926 / 1520


Greece, Ottoman domain

  • Value: 1 Akce
  • Weight: 0.68 g
  • Axis: 11 h
  • Grade: EBC50
  • Metal: Ag
  • Ref:SS#48

De la colección del Dr. Hans Wilski
Pequeño agujero

1 in stock

SKU: 1383 Categories: , ,


For the beginning of the 19th century, the entire peninsular Greece and much of the islands had fallen under Ottoman domain. Only a few islands remained under Venetian control. It will be in the Jonic Islands where the modern Greek identity based on the Republic of the seven islands that arises in the context of the Napoleonic wars will be born. A large majority of the Greek population did not convert to Islam, and another part did it apparently to avoid taxes and complications, maintaining the link with the Orthodox Church (cryptogriegos). For the Greeks, the true converts were considered Turks, even if they did not adopt the language. The millet system was the one that prevailed, allowing the Greeks to be governed by their own law and maintain the link to the Orthodox Church. In 1821 the independence movement that would culminate in 1829 began. Although the world powers initially wanted to maintain the status quo of the Ottoman Empire (the great patient), they soon changed their minds and with the British, French and Russian collaboration, the independence. Russian Foreign Minister Ioannis Kapodistrias became the first president of the Greek Republic.

Additional information

Weight 0,68 g



Sidre Qapsi

Issuing authority

Sulayman I/Otomano


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