Israel, Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1 Denier – ND


Israel, Kingdom of Jerusalem

  • Value: 1 Denier
  • Weight: 0.84 g
  • Axis: 9 h
  • Grade: MBC30
  • Metal: Ag-Cu
  • Ref:CCS#29


Variety Metcalf 8, not in plates
All A with double bar

1 in stock

SKU: 2437 Categories: , ,


After the conquest of the city in the First Crusade, Godfrey of Bouillon took the title of King of Jerusalem in 1099. The Kingdom of Jerusalem would pass in a reasonable manner until the fall of the city itself and the death of the majority of successors. When the third crusade arrives (one of the most famous with the participation of Richard the Lionheart and Philip II Augustus of France), there are two contenders for the title. Guido de Lusignan, Sibyl’s consort, but who loses the right to the title when his wife dies (Richard will compensate him with Cyprus), and Conrad of Montferrat, married to Sibyl’s sister.

After the death of Saladin, the Ayyubid kingdom disintegrates, and King Aimery awaits the fourth crusade to conquer Egypt, but it ends up conquering Constantinople, and Aimery and his wife Isabella die having started the attacks. Isabella’s youngest daughter with Conrad of Montferrat, Mary, reigns, who marries John of Brienne and dies after giving birth to her first daughter, Isabella. The Pope confirms John as King of Jerusalem until his daughter can take over.

John of Brienne wanders through Europe asking for help, and Emperor Frederick II agrees to marry his daughter Isabella. Isabella dies giving birth to her first child, Conrad IV, who will never go to the Levant. Frederick II finally goes to the Holy Land in 1228, and obtains important concessions without a single battle.

After the death of Conradin and the extinction of the Hohenstaufen line, the kingdom passes to the Lusignans of Cyprus, who will lose Acre, the last stronghold to the Mamluks in 1291, although they will retain the title.


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