Italy, Kingdom, 10 Centesimos – 1925


Italy, Kingdom

  • Value: 10 Centesimos
  • Weight: 5.55 g
  • Axis: 6 h
  • Grade: EBC55
  • Metal: Cu
  • Ref:KM#60

Suciedad en reverso

1 in stock

SKU: 1505 Categories: ,


The Sardinian government was able to declare the Italian unification and the kingdom of Italy on March 17, 1861 and the capital moved from Turin to Florence. But territories were still missing to incorporate. Thus, Italy allied in 1866 with Prussia in the Austro-Prussian war, being able to incorporate the territories of Venice, even under Austrian control. Finally, in 1870, and after the disaster in the Franco-Prussian war, France withdrew the troops that protected Rome and the last pontifical states, which were quickly incorporated by the New Kingdom, with the consequent papal anger. The rights and obligations of the kingdom of Sardinia, extended throughout Italy, but even, the right to vote was census, and the parliamentary monarchy was strongly liberal. However, the strong differences in industrialization between the north and the south, forced a continuous emigration, which would largely swell the ranks of the Socialist Party. Italy wanted to develop a colonial network, and between the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the XX, occupied Eritrea, Somalia, Libya and the Dodecanese islands. Italy entered the First World War, with the interest of completing unification with various areas of the Austro-Hungarian Empire claimed, and their participation was fundamental in victory. However, he finally did not receive all the territories promised by the allies in 1915. This myth of the mutilated victory would be adopted by the Italian fascism of Mussolini. The liberal structure of the State, fearful of a communist revolution, began feeding the fascist party, as a counter-revolution. In 1922, in a seemingly failed blow of Mussolini”s black shirts, on Rome, the king asked Mussolini to form a government. From here, the State would be transformed into a dictatorship. Fascism adopted nationalism imperialism, a new Roman empire, with the incorporation of a large Roman symbology, starting with the fasces that gave name to the party. In 1923 he invaded Corfú, and in 1925 Albania was forced to become protectorate. In 1935, the invasion of Ethiopia, forces Italy”s departure from the Nations Society, and its alliance with Nazi and Japan Germany. On June 10, 1940, Italy enters World War II, and the allied landing in Sicily in 1943, will cause the fall of Mussolini, the signature of the armistice with the allies and the subsequent German invasion with the help of the fascists, who created A puppet state in the north with Mussolini in power after being rescued by a German command (Italian Social Republic). Italy becomes the Republic on June 2, 1946 after a referendum. The emissions of this period are mostly within the Latin Monetary Union until its dissolution in 1927, with the typical copper emissions of the cents, silver and gold. From that moment on, we have fascist emissions with the use of steel and other metals in emissions.

Additional information

Weight 5,55 g



Roma – R


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