Jersey, Bailiwick, 1 Penny – 1888


Jersey, Bailiwick

  • Value: 1 Penny
  • Weight: 9.55 g
  • Axis: 0 h
  • Grade: EBC55
  • Metal: Cu-Sn
  • Ref:KM#8

1/12 Shilling
En el sistema monetario de Jersey 1 Shilling equivalía a 13 peniques hasta 1877 y a 12 después

1 in stock

SKU: 2231 Categories: ,


The largest of the islands of the Channel of La Mancha, belonged to the Diger of Normandy when Guillermo the conqueror invades England and becomes crowning king. In 1204 when the kings of England lose the Diger of Normandy in favor of France, Jersey remains linked to the English crown, although never incorporated into the kingdom. The King appointed the Bailiff and a guardian and the normal laws and customs were followed. He maintains his self -government with his own legal, judicial and financial system and with the right of self -determination. The Guardian appointed by the King was called from the 20th century Lieutenant-Governor, and is the king”s representative on the island, being the United Kingdom responsible for the defense of the island. During the 19th century the island became a refuge of Calvinists and King Carlos II in gratitude for the help given in their exile, granted them lands in the American colonies, where the New Jersey colony origin. In 1771, political reforms promoted by the crown were made, and during the American Independence War, I suffered the French invasion of St. Helier that was soon evicted. In the S.XIX, internal communications were improved creating two train lines and the docks for transport with the United Kingdom were also enhanced. In 1940, he suffered the German invasion, being the islands of the last points channel to be released. Current coinages are in jersey pound, equivalent to sterling pound. Historically, until 1834, the Jersey currency was the French light, with change 1 pound = 26 lights. As in 1795 France left Livre in favor of Franc, the currency began to scarce, which is why in 1834 the change was made. However, the French copper currency continued to circulate, and for that reason, the Jersey Penshus was equal to 1/13 of Chelin, to maintain parity with the French suns in 1 penny equal to 2 sous. This change remained until 1877 when the penny matched the British in 1/12 of Chelin.

Additional information

Weight 9,55 g




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