Latvia, First Republic, 50 Santimi – 1922


Latvia, First Republic

  • Value: 50 Santimi
  • Weight: 6.56 g
  • Axis: 0 h
  • Grade: MBC40
  • Metal: Ni
  • Ref:KM#6

1 in stock

SKU: 1559 Categories: ,


World War I, devastated the territory of Latvia, and in 1918 an empty of power was created in the country. On the one hand the Brest-Litovsk treaty that gave the territory to Germany, the posterior armistice left the region to the discretion of the allies and on November 18, 1918, the Popular Council of Latvia in Riga, proclaimed independence. The German representative formally yielded the power to the new provisional government on November 26. However, a civil war began, a faithful reflection of the moment that the region lived, as two other governments were formed in addition to the provisional. The Soviet government of Latvia, promoted by the Red Army and the provisional government promoted by the Freikorps (anti -communist guerrillas) of Andrievs Nieves who had been Prime Minister of the Títere de Latvia government under German control. Estonias and Latvian troops beat the Germans in 1919, and with the help of Poland, the letters expelled the Red Army in 1920. In May 1920 a Constituent Assembly was elected, and in 1922 a liberal constitution was proclaimed. The priority was the agrarian reform, to improve the distribution of the land, since the industrial base of the country had been taken to Russia in 1915 and there was nothing after years of war. Earth”s productivity grew rapidly, but from 1929 the effects of the great depression were noticed. In 1934, as in many other countries in Eastern Europe, great depression had wreaked havoc and countries were derived to dictatorial solutions. Ulmanis, gave a coup without blood and turned the country into a nationalist dictatorship that would last until 1940. Government corporations were created trying to Latonize the economy. After the Molotov-librantrop pact and the subsequent cast of Poland, Latvia was forced to sign a mutual assistance treaty with the Soviet Union, for which it could park thousands of soldiers within the country. The Soviets eliminated public office and presented their own candidates in elections without opposition, and the resulting popular assembly, requested their formal incorporation to the USSR, which happened in 1940.

Additional information

Weight 6,56 g



Huguenin Freres, Suiza


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