Poland, States: Silesia under Austria, irregular issues, Breslau, Brieg, Glogau, Neisse, Oels, Opeln, Ratibor and Sagan, 1 Kreuzer – 1698


Poland, States: Silesia under Austria, irregular issues, Breslau, Brieg, Glogau, Neisse, Oels, Opeln, Ratibor and Sagan

  • Value: 1 Kreuzer
  • Weight: 0.56 g
  • Axis: 1 h
  • Grade: BC20
  • Metal: Ag
  • Ref:KM#1267

Fecha muy borrosa, parecería más 1693 o 1695

1 in stock

SKU: 1841 Categories: ,


During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Silesia was an important region of Central Europe that was under the dominance of the Austrian Empire. The region was located in the current Poland, Czech Republic and Germany, and had great economic and strategic importance due to its natural resources and their geographical position. In 1740, the King of Prussia, Federico II, invaded Silesia and began the Austrian Succession War, a struggle for control of the region. The Austrians were initially defeated by the Prussian forces, which led to the signing of the Breslavia treaty in 1742, whereby the Austrians gave most of Silesia to Prussia. However, the Austrians recovered a large part of Silesia after the seven -year war, which was fought between 1756 and 1763. During this time, Silesia was the scene of fierce battles and looting, which caused great devastation in the region. After the war, the Silesia region experienced a period of stability and prosperity under the Austrian government. New roads were built and communications were improved, which helped the development of agriculture and commerce. Factories were also built and the industry was encouraged, which led to an increase in the production of textiles, glass and porcelain. At the end of the 18th century, Silesia was affected by the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, which led the region to a new era of conflicts and political changes. In 1807, the French forces occupied much of Silesia and forced the Austrians to withdraw from the region. In 1815, after the Napoleonic wars, Silesia was once again part of the Austrian empire, and continued to be until the end of World War I. The region suffered the effects of industrialization and urbanization in the nineteenth century, and was also the scene of important political and social changes in the years prior to World War I.

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Weight 0,56 g





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