Romania, Kingdom, 1 Leu – 1911


Romania, Kingdom

  • Value: 1 Leu
  • Weight: 4.93 g
  • Axis: 6 h
  • Grade: MBC30
  • Metal: Ag
  • Ref:KM#42

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The great powers supported the total independence of Romania in the Berlin Congress, and Carol I was crowned King in 1881. The Congress granted Poland the Delta del Danube and Dobruja. Fearing Russian expansionism, Romania aligned with Germany and Austro-Hungary, although public opinion was contrary to Austro-Hungary, for the issue of Transylvania included in the Empire, and its conflicts within Transleitania. With this alliance, Romania annexed the southern part of Dobruja A consists of Bulgaria in the Balkan wars. But in World War I, with the promise of territories of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Romania entered the war in 1916 with the triple entente. He was quickly invaded mostly by the central powers and the departure of the Russian war, forced him to capitulate in 1918. But on the other hand, the civil war in Russia, allowed him to annex the province of Besarabia. The end of the war with the capitulation of Germany, facilitated that Romania could add the regions of the Empire with a majority of Romanian population, although the Soviet Union never accepted the incorporation of Besarabia Between 1918 and 1921, important agricultural reforms were made, distributing land among farmers and despite the presence of multiple stages, Romanian education was unified. The 30s saw the cornering of the most democratic cutting parties, by the anti -Semitic iron guard and next to Hitler”s Germany, favored by the authoritarian cut of King Carol II. He dissolved the Courts and prohibited political parties in 1938, and convinced after the Munich Pact of Anglo-French weakness, reached an economic agreement with Nazi Germany in 1939 (which Romanian oil needed). In spite of this, in 1940 Romania had to give up kissing the Soviet Union, doubles to Bulgar would and part of Transylvania to Hungary, territorial losses that forced the abdication of the king in his son, and the transformation of the kingdom, in a totalitarian state guardian by General Antonescu. As for numismatics, Romania aligned with the principles of the Latin Monetary Union, issuing gold and silver coins in that format with the LEU as a monetary unit. In 1927 with the solution this entity, and like the other countries, they began the minting in other metals and sizes.

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Weight 4,93 g




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