Russian Federation, Russian tsardom, 1 Kopek – ND


Russian Federation, Russian tsardom

  • Value: 1 Kopek
  • Weight: 0.26 g
  • Axis: 0 h
  • Grade: BC15
  • Metal: Ag
  • Ref:

Fecha cortada
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1 in stock

SKU: 131 Categories: ,


Although Ivan III married Sofia Paleologist, she broke with the golden horde and began using the name of Tsar occasionally (it is when the concept of Moscow is revealed as third Rome), it is in 1547, when Ivan the terrible one becomes Appoint tsar of all the Russians and make the country officially into the Russian Zaato. Iván manages to strengthen the position of the king weakening the nobles without any scrupulous, where his nickname comes from. In any case, the country totally reforms, introducing a new Code of Laws, and creating the first feudal management body that weakened the clergy. Ivan will incorporate the janatos of Kazan, Astrakán and also Siberia to Russia, creating an obstacle to emigration of new nomadic groups towards Europe. The death without offspring of his son, will plunge the country in a time of chaos, known as the time of instability. At this time, the interference of the Polish-Lituana Commonwealth will continue, including the power of the false dimitris, and the subsequent arrival to power, after the victories on the battlefield of the Polish Prince Vladislav Vasa as Tsar. This caused a nationalist response that would culminate with the expulsion of the Poles in 1612 and the arrival of the Romanov in 1613. The Romanav had easy pacification as Sweden and the Commonwealth engaged in other conflicts. Territorial recovery would begin in the mid -seventeenth, and in 1640 the Pacific had already been reached. In 1689, Nerchinsk”s treaty was signed with China Qing establishing the border between both kingdoms and allowing trade. The boyars aligned with the Romanov in order to pacify the country, obtaining in return the confirmation of the servitude, making the revolts of endemic servants. In 1721, after Russia was able to successfully face Swedish supremacy in North and East, Pedro I will change the name of the country to Russian Empire, ending this era.

Additional information

Weight 0,26 g



Issuing authority

Pedro I el grande


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