Spain, Feudal: Barcelona, ​​Local issues under Charles III pretender, 1 Diner – 1709


Spain, Feudal: Barcelona, ​​Local issues under Charles III pretender

  • Value: 1 Diner
  • Weight: 0.52 g
  • Axis: 0 h
  • Grade: BC15
  • Metal: Cu
  • Ref:Cal20#2

Cospel levemente faltado

1 in stock

SKU: 1879 Categories: ,


At the death of Carlos II without offspring, both the French Dolphin and Emperor Leopold had a legal basis to claim the Spanish inheritance, but the other European powers were afraid of the possible union of the Spanish and French crowns, at a time when France It was already the hegemonic power of the continent. But on the other hand, Louis XIV saw with concern the union of Austria and Spain as in the time of Carlos V, who had isolated France. Therefore, the claims were transferred to younger members of the families, ending in the candidacies of Felipe de Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV and Archduke Carlos. On the other hand, England and the Netherlands opted for a neutral solution, and finally Carlos II appointed José Fernando de Baviera as a universal heir in 1696. But in 1698 the first partition treaty between England, the Netherlands and France on his back occurs Spain. The premature death of Bavaro in 1699, caused the second partition treatment, with the same participants who granted the inheritance to Archduke Carlos, giving all the Italian territories and Guipuzcoa to France. This treaty was not accepted by Austria, and in the Spanish Court, the Bavarian party was evolving towards French party in favor of the rights of Felipe de Anjou, and the good action of the French ambassador to the Austrian, got a month before his Death, Carlos II made a testament to declare Felipe Universal Heir of all his territories, which invalidated the second cast. Under these conditions the war broke out, since England, the Netherlands, Portugal and much of Germany supported Archduke Carlos. The conflict also evolved as a civil war in which Aragon supported Carlos and Castilla to France, returning to traditional alliances prior to the Catholic Monarchs. The Archduke invaded Spain in 1705 being able to govern mainly in Catalonia. In 1711, with the death of his brother, he inherited the imperial crown, and fearful England of the new union of Spain and Austria withdrew his support. The war would conclude with the Treaties of Utrecht and the final fall of Barcelona in 1714 and Mallorca in 1715.

Additional information

Weight 0,52 g




Issuing authority

Carlos III pretendiente


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